AD (60mg Prozac)
2 x AP (depixol and seroquel)
My anxiety is just awful. Off the charts. First thing tomorrow am phoning the community team to ask what I need to doing to get relief.
Where I am you don’t contact the pdoc yourself. It has to go through your team. Thing is my last pdoc said he only saw folk between their routine appointments if it was life or death.
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Am gonna ask my nursing team if I should see my gp.
im surpised u still have anxiety with all those anxiety meds so i really dont have any suggestions…except maybe to think back before some of them and think how u were then. especially the prozac. i think overtime and at high doses it can actually cause anxiety but im not sure.
i do have one suggestion actually. ive seen people talk about taking high dose fish oil and it helping their anxiety. ive been taking krill oil. it may be helping some. its hard to tell for me because i came off my AP so i feel very threatened but it could be worth a try.
I believe if your anxiety is causing you problems then get something to help ease that. I’m not too sure about my anxiety because I just don’t know. I might feel really anxious it’s just that I’m not too hip on what’s ailing me. I find it easier to help people other than myself.
I’m on 1 mg of Ativan prn, and I take 600 mg of NAC for anxiety daily. I also use CBD hemp flower for anxiety as needed. But I also have generalized anxiety disorder, so it seems like I’m just in a constant anxious state. Hope you feel better, man.
Jimbob I understand from the antipsychotics that you take that psychotic anxiety is an issue. If it generalized anxiety the go for an antidepressant but if it psychotic than go for a rise in one of your antipsychotics. Don’t do 3 antipsychotics at the same time.
Psychotic anxiety was a problem for me in the past. I’m on almost similar antipsychotics namely 500 mg Clopixol every 3 week and 500 mg Seroquel by mouth and they take care of the symptoms of anxious psychosis.