i am supposed to be going to meet a friend today, idk what we will do
I seriously have to get my sh1t together paperwork wise…'cause as I predicted (unfortunately for me) it hit the fan, and it’s me- naturally,who has to be the one clean it up.
Oh why on earth do I not listen to my intuition?
I’ll be spending my day on the water, later, with some friends. Maybe I’ll even jump in, the wheather is nice
I always found that expression funny… but only now I see that indeed, the cleanup takes much longer once it has hit a spinning fan. I suppose that’s the very point of it.
Yeah, I guess you’re right about that. It was one of the many sayings that my dad used to tell us.
I just started a new job and I did a lot of cleaning yesterday so I’m going to finishing that visiting my aunt and try and make a few dollars some how some way
I’m going to start sorting out my stuff for the move, that should fill the whole day, then I’m going for the movies, watch Civil War
work in 5 hours
that’s about it
happy weekend to all y’all
After taking a year off due to injury im going to start working out again,I also kinda have a definite source of calories so that helps.
I’ll do a light workout and maybe a little reading. I really don’t have much on my plate. My brother visited me the last few days. It was great.
Sometimes I wish I could get drunk, but the only two stores in town that sold beer both closed down. As a result, I have 141 days of sobriety. Maybe I should try to build on that.
today i will be going out to a service, then over to my mums place and then home, Sundays are the best.