Any other recovering alcoholics or addicts here?

I’m 9 months sober and not quite clean yet. The urges are still really strong. I do AA and NA and another group for addiction in general.

There’s a thing they say at AA, “There are those, too, who suffer from grave emotional and mental disorders, but many of them do recover if they have the capacity to be honest.”

I feel like I’m who they are talking about. Even down to me going to AA last night and needing to leave because the hallucinations were overwhelming.

I guess I don’t have a real question other than can anyone relate to this?


Congratulations on the 9 months sobriety !

I’m 7 years sober and the urge to drink has left. I started AA in 2003 (i think :thinking: ) but drank 7 years ago when I was psychotic.

I remember I almost drank at the 1 year mark back in 2004. The urge was still there.

Do you have any reading material from AA or NA that you could read?


I still drink from time to time but I haven’t touched drugs in 25 years. Alcohol was never my vice. I prefered different substances. It took years to get over the addiction. When I was 18 I was spending $50,000 a year on drugs. Where does an 18 year old kid get $50,000 a year in 1995? It’s a long story but I could write a book on experiences I had. A lot of close people are dead or in prison. I’m one of the few that made it out alive or not in jail.


I do. I’ve got the big book, 12 and 12, and daily reflections from AA and the basic text for NA.


That’s great ! The daily reflections book is my favourite.

A person I used to know at AA used to carry her 24 hour chip around with her in her purse. She had been sober for years but the 24 hour chip was to remind her to take it a day at a time.


I actually bring all my chips with me. One guy told me to hold my chip if I need to and if it’s not enough, put it in my mouth to avoid putting anything else in there.

I live with my husband and two kids and they are all away tonight. I don’t trust myself, so I asked to spend the night at my parents’ house. It makes me feel like a kid, but I probably won’t drink that way.


There used to be a guy on the forum whose doctor prescribed Naltrexone for his alcohol and opiate addiction.

I don’t know if you want to go down that route, but I thought I’d let you know about it.

That’s a brilliant idea ! You did the right thing.


Got clean in 1990 with AA, CA, and NA. First five years, I walked or took the bus to 5 or 6 meetings a week. I was in a group home those first five years. Took me a couple years to get a sponsor who took me through the steps.

Yeah, I was really into the program back then. Would go to events like AA dances, picnics, or barbecues. Even got into service and represented a meeting at the monthly service meetings.

It’s a good program, saw many people in meetings with years and years of good recovery.

Thanks to the program I haven’t touched drugs or alcohol for 31 years. Used to love going to meetings, I liked the people and the atmosphere.

It’s a good program though it’s always had it’s critics.


i try to be a alcoholic by it didn’t suit me, i try being a bar fly and end up drinking coffee and drive people home. my dad was a heave drinker may have been the reasen i didn’t fit in. to day i take to much meds to even have a glass of wine. man it hurts think about it. to all those at AA read the book its helpful. i know it helps with other things.


I’m not an alcoholic but I’m a food addict. I’m doing better though. I overate at dinner but…


Sober, three years.

I used intoxicants as a way of self medicating myself when I wasn’t on meds yet.


@everhopeful Thank You

A friend of mine told me about that drug shortly before he killed himself. :sob: It has intrigued me, but I didn’t know what it’s effect would be on everything else I’ve got going on. I think Haldol works with dopamine too and it’s a fine balance with that.

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I’m addicted to drugs and alcohol, but am still in the midst of things. I want to be sober and have meditation be my drug.


Hey Rocket, I’m a 29 year sober AA member. Sobriety date is Feb 15, 1992. I’m still active in the program, but attending via Zoom right now due to health problems – I can’t risk The Rona. Cheers and sober vibes from a friend of Bill W. in Alberta, Canada.


Well, now I’m just 18 days sober, being an alcoholic. Before that I was sober for four months. I usually can go three to six months without a drink. I’m just hoping that maybe this time I will make it longer than six months. I’ve been to AA in the past, and have gone to NA meetings.


Haven’t touched alcohol or drugs in 2/3 years now. Went completely clean after my last hospitalisation. Except for cigarettes that is.


@shutterbug @anon54988740

What I’m trying to say is you can overcome any setback
In real life situations
With faith.
Too many fall off like me
From adversity we can’t handle.


Thanks Daze. 15


I’m doing fine, thanks.


I have been clean for 10 years now.

Super good achievement.

Can’t speak for recovered alcoholics, but I feel I am over the ‘hump’ now, and can really appreciate that these things were ruining my life.