Any autistic people?

I think I have a mild form of autism.

I’ve had suspicions about myself, but I don’t like the idea of jumping onto the autism bandwagon, a lot of self righteous fcks there. I’ve settled on just being weird.


Yes I have Autism. What do you want to know?

What are some signs a person has autism?

This is what my report says at the bottom

For reference and information, the diagnostic criteria are:

  1. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts.

  2. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour, interest, or activities currently, or by history.

  3. Symptoms must be present in the early developmental period (but may not become fully manifest until social demands exceed limited capacities, or may be masked by learned strategies in later life.

  4. Symptoms cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of current functioning.

  5. These disturbances are not better explained by intellectual disability (intellectual developmental disorder) or global developmental delay. Intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder frequently co-occur: to make comorbid diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, social communication should be below that expected for general developmental level.


I am autistic 15

My husband is autistic. I have suspicions about Starlet and Ninjago as well, but they’ve never been tested and at this point I dont think it would help them.


Yes it will. Just the understanding is helpful trust me. But also getting adult services later in life. Like for me my autism diagnosis qualified me for vocational rehab, I’m going to school completely free with that.

Somebody once suspected me of being on the spectrum. Another patient in the hospital. Then I said I’m schizoaffective. And she said “well that’s probably what you are then”. Maybe schizoaffective can seem like autism too to others. Aren’t they related disorders. I think gaining insight/minimizing psychosis I don’t seem to others like I’m autistic much at all anymore however. But then again autism gets a lot better as adults oftentimes too. Antipsychotics help with both disorders??

They both have other diagnoses that already qualify them for adult services. Getting diagnosed can be very helpful, but can also be a way to open yourself up to discrimination from doctors. It’s a dual edged sword. They both said they don’t wish to be evaluated at this time so I respect that. A diagnosis is really just a label used to describe your observable symptoms to outsiders.


My husband is autistic. He was just diagnosed 1.5 years ago, in his early 30’s. He’s always been different, but not that that’s a bad thing. As he grew older, he found ways to appear more normal, but he struggles with that.

Whenever we spend time with family or if we go on vacation, my husband needs at least 1 day to “relax”, afterwards. He needs time alone, but I’m the exception (his words).

He’s constantly stimming, but it can easily be missed. He stims in “low-key” ways. I notice, though, haha.

He says that getting an autism diagnosis was a great step in the direction of understanding himself. And family understands him better now, too! Cause now we all have answers to his “ways” that just were strange before. Now they make sense. I mean, it’s eye opening to get a diagnosis. Figuring out I have schizoaffective changed my life for the better, cause I understand myself now (plus I’m taking meds for it now). Diagnosing conditions changes lives!

Was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome originally, now called Autism Spectrum Disorder. I’m rated as socially impaired, but high functioning.

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Diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome in May 2019 , at the age of 62. It took moving to a new area, in the same town as my s/dau, and seeing a more intelligent and open minded pdoc for that to happen. The ADOS report had me at classical autism level for ‘social communication’ and Asperger’s level for ‘social interaction’ .

My niece has autism. I think I have some.

i have autism too along with sz

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After the test my psychiatrist said ‘you can call it that if you want’
Me: (Autistic) :
Do you have any idea how confusing that is

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After reading the criteria for autism (which have become broader and broader over the last 40 years), I might have autism.

I think this is a legit article that tries to explain why autism has become so prevalent in the U.S.:

I’m autistic! I stim a lot, have special interests, and a lot of sensory issues. Although I also hear that autism symptoms overlap with a lot of other disorders.

Got diagnosed at 22 years old with Aspergers while psychotic and with some college education. It was before my schizophrenia diagnosis and I took all sorts of tests but they asumed I had a normal IQ because of college, I was told.

So ya, I do have it and I super identity with it especially my brain and how I grew up and was raised and how lonely and isolated I was, but then I never got extra support or money or help or anything because of it. It’s just another disability that people use to identity you.

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Some days I get really disillusioned with the ASD community. Much of that stems from ‘Autistic Twitter’. There’s those who try to police language use in a very strict way. Then there’s those who vie to have the most intense symptoms while at the same time saying they’ve just got a PhD ,1st class degree, very good job etc. It’s hard to find common ground with such people. I’ve been told,no doubt quite rightly, that ‘Autistic Twitter’ is not a good guide to the ASD community as a whole. That I should bailout from Twitter. However I like to exchange political opinion on Twitter.