Antipsychotics for life

That’s nice that your work makes accommodations for that. I hope once I am able to work again that where I end up will be understanding as well.

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I will be on antipsychotics for life. No TD symptoms at all after 31 years
i’ve been on some of the worst ones stelazine olanzapine and clopixol
Each of them saved my life
i pace a lot though
lost the weight giving up all added sugars
in overeaters anonymous

I believe I have to be on APs for life. My voices and delusions started in 2014. In 2020, my symptoms worsened. One of the things that happened is I had a lot of paranoia that I didn’t keep in my head any more. There is more than that though. I tried dropping my morning dose of an AP and started shaking with anger when my voice got worse and said things that made me angry. So I started my morning dose again.

I really don’t think I can come off of meds.


Interesting you say that,

I was doomed for the same combination for the rest of my life. I take the Abilify now, but got rid of the Clozapine. It took years of psychosis (basically trial and error of medications) to get off Clozapine.

My son died taking Invega: suicide.

I will be on antipsychotic medicine and an antidepressant for life I take Abilify 15mg and Lexapro20mg.I can’t imagine a life without these meds I had to up the dosage a few times to get it right but now that it is there is no going back, I am schizoaffective, so I have no choice but to take my meds if I didn’t I would be in worse off shape with paranoia and depression mostly for me I haven’t been manic for some time but have in the past when I decided I didn’t want to deal with side effects so I changed meds bad mistake then I had my symptoms come back. Now that I found what works I will stay on it.


I’ve been on aps for thirty five years and have yet to get td. My mom said she read about very old people going off their meds and being okay. Have a happy Saturday night.

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Im not on an antipsychotic. I take lamictal 25 mg. I am great on this plus i take about 1000 mg gabapentin. Works great :+1:

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I tried invega. First I was only taking 3mg but I had a voice and they increased it to 6mg. Then my prolactin got high and I switched to latuda. I also had bruxism on latuda. They gave me propranolol for that. I was an early bird on invega I would get tired early and go to bed early. I think I also had insomnia once in a while. I was only on invega for about 4 months.

As far as I’m concerned, Haldol is the worst AP. Geodon and Seroquel are working wonderfully for me, and I don’t want to change them.

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Hey man I know you posted this awhile ago but I’ll chime in. I started on 20mg of Zyprexa and have been able to very slowly reduce that to 5 mg over three years. I’d like to reduce it even more in the future but only when I’m ready. My sza was a horrible meltdown followed by years of healing. It gets better slowly but it IS getting better.

For sedation especially. If old-style APs are like getting hit by a hammer, then Haldol is Mjolnir.

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I don’t know what “Mjolnir” means, but I’m sure it’s bad.

The hammer of Thor, thunder God.

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I take Clozapine and Ziprasidone. Ive accepted that these are for me, probably for life. Im okay with this. I would rather treatment than psychosis.


I’m sorry to hear that. :frowning:

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Ive been on invega since last half of 2016. I’m taking 75mg and I’m trying to reduce it to 50mg. If that works I’m pretty sure a low dose like that will have negligible side effects.

During the last ten years I was lowered With 50 %. Clopixol depot from 300 mg Weekly down to 500 mg Clopixol every 3 week and 240 mg Geodon to 160 mg. Then I got on 550 mg Seroquel. Lately I and my doctor tried to half the dose of Seroquel down to 300 mg. I went totally Luna and out of control 2 month later and I accepted that I should take 550 mg Seroquel with 500 mg Clopixol 3 weekly and 160 mg Geodon for the rest of my life.

Are you on invega injection 75mg. I’m on 100mg injection. I want to reduce badly. Is 75mg safe if you are 185 lbs?

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I’m on 75mg. I can’t tell you if it’s safe. Everyone responds differently. My heart feels terrible. Immediately after taking it I went from above average cardiovascular fitness to not even able to finish a bike ride.