Antipsychotic Medication in Schizophrenic Patients is Associated with Higher Risks of Developing Bone Fractures and Refractures

Antipsychotic Medication in Schizophrenic Patients is Associated with Higher Risks of Developing Bone Fractures and Refractures.

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Wow, is there anything these meds can’t do! :sweat_smile:

On a more serious note, maybe a calcium supplement would help. Or perhaps a multivitamin.


I’ve heard that magnesium supplements help with these side effects.

To be honest, a lot of meds cause osteoporosis. Not just APs.

Some people are recommended supplements to circumvent these side effects!

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Antipsychotic medication in schizophrenient person / schizophrened instead of schizophrenic patient

What are the minimum / maximum levels that the current treatment can reach?
Specially,which they are based on imaginary data for a theoretical models that assume the existence of a permanent defect in the genetic structure responsible for secreting inappropriate level of proteins associated with the thought / producing the behavior ?

Then,what is the desired ideal treatment that is expected reach to it by the doctors of future,which is supposed to be based on dealing with the data of sz’s natural reality as it as even if they contradict the axiomatic perceptions of the theoretical models ?

In many cases,why does short-term treatment give good results,while long-term treatment in all cases without exception does not exceed the degree of improvement that induced by short-term,but rather causes serious side effects and the person’s complaint remains persistent ?

in other words,why a little time of medication induces an improvement,while long-term of medication gets disease !!