Took my mom’s (really my dad’s, who passed away in 2013) dog to the vet today to be put down.
She was 15 years old and her health had deteriorated rapidly in the last 3 days to the point we knew she wasn’t going to get better.
Couldn’t let her suffer like that,
but it doesn’t make it any easier.
I held her the whole time.
When I told her she’d be ok, that my dad would be waiting for her, with part of his dinner set aside just for her, like he did every night,
and I swear,
I saw her eyes sparkle a bit and a little grin on her mouth.
Near her last breath, she opened her eyes again and gave me an approving nod, that we had done the right thing in not letting her suffer any more.
I know this in my heart,
but it still hurts like hell to say goodbye.