Animal understanding of human language

What words does your pet know??

Don Juan knows
Do you wanna eat (obviously)
Do you want dry food
Do you want water
Cya later
A few other sayings

But what cracks me up the most every morning I say “do you want me to clean your litter box” and he just gives me the blankest stare/no reaction like he does NOT care one bit that I’m about to clean his litter box lol.


My sisters dog is a bit better with words than any of the cats but yeah they’re smarter/more social and understanding of these things than you think.

I also heard they think humans are big lazy cats??

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My cats are no way near as smart as yours. They recognise their names and the shaking of the food containers lol.

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Do you try speaking to them?? Lol. That’s funny you made me laugh but on the contrary maybe you’re not challenging them intellectually enough :nerd_face:

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Yea I speak to the older one a lot. He is really adorable but dumb lol. Well maybe he does understand but I’m just a lazy hooman to him although he does purr.

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Gatsby our oldest cat isn’t that smart. He’s very asocial. Geno on the other hand is a psychopath. Don Juan is the best behaved and smartest cat of all. But he is a scaredy-cat on one hand.

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So you have three cats? That’s a lot

My sister has one, my parents have one and I have one. But sometimes they get together


What Don Juan is really thinking when you clean his litter box…


My cat just stares at me when I talk to her.

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My cat understands every word I say to him. He can also read my mind and emotions. Question is does he care? No!

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Oppenheimer knows
You want some squishy food
Where’s your koala (it’s full of cat nip)
Time for nite nite

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Our youngest cat is quite social. She mauws and seeks you out. But the older is a bit of a loner. But the cats like to play with each other.

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My girlfriend’s dog knows Chinese. I know how to tell her doggo how to sit, lie down, time for bed and time for walkies in Cantonese :smile:


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