An interest in murder

My provider likes to watch tv about forensics and I detected an interest of my own in the same. It’s my anger. I’m not about to kill anyone but I know what it’s like to want to.

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You know what it’s like to want to ? You need some serious help.

You sound like you have no sense of discipline. Lot’s of times I hear people say “You (I) just want to kill them.” like a room full of unruly children.
Do you mean to tell you that people have never gotten on your last nerve?

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Well, I have homicidal tendencies according to my charts, so maybe my fascination with serial killers and all that jazz fits? It’s not like I could physically do it anyway, and I’m not someone as a kid who killed animals or anything. Just have lots of thoughts about it, so hence, no being able to work for me. That was the one that majorly got me on disability.

I also dated a girl in middle school that was a cousin to some degree with Ed Gein (we’re in WI) and she proudly showed family photos. Didn’t know who it was at the time, but once I found out, a lot of things about her family clicked. I hope she ended up with help she needed for her MI after high school. She turned 18 and disappeared.

One of my old time friends who I’m still in touch with grew up with a desire to feel the kill. He joined the Army reserve and all and fired heavy machine guns and even admitted to getting the old Battle Fat. Men actually can get turned on firing weapons.

It’s a strange world @PinCushion but there’s always a fascination with those things. It’s why I even watch a lot of the criminal channel. I don’t think it’s abnormal. It can be something else if you’ve seen peeps like Ted Bundy.

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