Am I really SZA?

Ya I thought the same thing. Maybe I’m the doctor and she’s the patient.

Hello all. I’ve calmed down quite a bit now. I was freaking out before. I am fairly confident that my diagnosis is accurate now, but I will also talk to my providers about it. Thank you so much for all your help. Really, thank you.

Hey @uncripted - Its a good thing that you are not freaking out - its not worth it.

I am in the same shoes that you are in now, but the difference is I have been living with a severe mental illness for decades and you are newly diagnosed.

Sometimes getting the right diagnosis never happens - lots of these illnesses over lap - like my current pdoc tells me, there are too many Grey areas.

The good news is that the meds treating bipolar are the same meds treating schizoaffective - usually atypical antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.

I tend to obsess over my diagnosis or lack of one - like I said before, its between SZA or bipolar type 1 - my current pdoc was honest enough to tell me that she is uncertain.

I am not too concerned because the treatments or meds are the same for both diagnoses.

Treating the symptoms is much more important than the diagnosis - so they tell me.

Meds can help with symptom control - therapy helps too.

Good luck with everything

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Yeah I used to think the same thing but that thought holds less power over me as I’ve shifted focus as the whats been beyond my calculations as to who is really bothering me. I don’t know what that last part means but I can’t explain it any other way. Basically its a good thing now that I’ve become more aware of my fault lines in my step mother’s relationship and now I’m a better person for it. White dominated public school could have never prepared me for this. Thank goodness for the internet, my SZA, and my atheism. I never would have made it this far without it.

While you could look at the first two web pages linked below, it sounds to me like a trip to see your prescriber is in order. Further, if you’re able to stay chill enough to read a book that will clarify a lot of these issues, see the third link below.

Hey @uncripted have you talked to your dad yet about the medication?

@Wave Thanks, that helps a lot to know that the treatment is similar either way.

@notmoses Histrionic personality doesn’t sound like me, but I was once very close to someone who suffered from borderline personality disorder and was really struck by how similar our experiences were at times. After reading this, I can still find some slight similarities, but borderline personality almost certainly doesn’t fit.

@Minnii I’m going to see my therapist on Wednesday before I talk to anyone about medication.

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