Am I hallucinating when I see colors?

Last night when I kept waking up I was seeing morphed colors

Like neon bleeding

Probably visual hallucination. Not very dangerous. Voices that can make you do stuff and play tricks on your mind - that’s the real danger.

Could be the initial AP

Yeah they were telling me all sorts of horrid ■■■■ last night.

Have you ever experienced this? I’m also jerking… this is so scary

I’m hoping and praying so hard that it goes away

I’ve experienced visual hallucinations with Seroquel.
Call your doctor if your concerned.

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Yes, that’s a visual hallucination. I have a lot of visuals, colors included. Usually I just try and ride it out until it goes away. Watching TV helps me. The moving pictures make it more difficult for my mind to form more visuals I guess.

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Yup lol,

I see all types of colors :smiley:

My favourite is yellow, that means I gotta go pee :sweat_smile:

Black is my least favourite :rofl:

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