This is a phase 1 study, so at this point it is just testing safety. However the initial results with this patient are encouraging.
They’re just putting the patient’s own stem cells back in the brain - without addressing the plaques and tau tangles that form as the disease progresses, and yet, he has mild improvement and hasn’t lost further function.
I dont think dead brain cells is my problem like in alzheimers. I will never have kids cuz this is the type of stuff that leads to hell for future generations.
I predict in the future they will try to make ppl have extremely long lifespans, if this were medieval times i would be close to dead at age 29. I dont want that future, would rather have past. We are blood-thirsty for technology and will stop at nothing until we have exhausted our intelligence.
People will have long lifespans because we will be able to fix the things that are wrong with them. Fixing the brain will be no exception. Yeah, it’s more complicated than a liver. That’s why it will take longer.
I’ve thought about this lately too. It’s cuz these older ppl are willing to pay to live longer. So if there’s a demand, there’s a supply, cuz someone’s getting rich off it. I think people should not desire to live to 120 because death doesn’t seem like that bad of an idea anyways. Either you go to heaven or you don’t realize anything is my prediction of death.