AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of all of life’s molecules

From the article -

"AlphaFold 3 creates capabilities for drug design with predictions for molecules commonly used in drugs, such as ligands and antibodies, that bind to proteins to change how they interact in human health and disease.

AlphaFold 3 achieves unprecedented accuracy in predicting drug-like interactions, including the binding of proteins with ligands and antibodies with their target proteins. AlphaFold 3 is 50% more accurate than the best traditional methods on the PoseBusters benchmark without needing the input of any structural information, making AlphaFold 3 the first AI system to surpass physics-based tools for biomolecular structure prediction. The ability to predict antibody-protein binding is critical to understanding aspects of the human immune response and the design of new antibodies — a growing class of therapeutics.

Using AlphaFold 3 in combination with a complementary suite of in-house AI models, Isomorphic Labs is working on drug design for internal projects as well as with pharmaceutical partners. Isomorphic Labs is using AlphaFold 3 to accelerate and improve the success of drug design — by helping understand how to approach new disease targets, and developing novel ways to pursue existing ones that were previously out of reach."

2025 is going to be a massive year for drug discovery. We are going to have hundreds if not thousands of new drugs on the market. Not just because of DeepMind and Isomorphic Labs but also because of other innovative Biotech companies such as Insilico Medicine and their partnerships with traditional Big Pharma.


The news category is meant for news specifically about schizophrenia, so I will move to lounge.


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