Schizophrenia interactome reveals potential new drug targets (thought this was worth its own post)

"We analyzed which of the genes in the interactomes are drug targets, and what diseases these drugs treat. In GWAS interactome, there are 74 genes that are targets of 307 unique drugs (of which 20 are new interactors that are targeted by 131 drugs). Figure 5 shows categorization of these 307 drugs by the Anatomic category of the Anatomic, Therapeutic and Chemical (ATC) classification of the drugs: Nervous system (83 drugs), alimentary tract and metabolism (31 drugs), musculoskeletal system (33 drugs), cardiovascular system (32 drugs), respiratory system (47 drugs), antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents (44 drugs), and genitourinary and sex hormones (27 drugs) (some drugs fall into more than 1 category). Of the nervous system drugs that target novel interactors, 6 drugs are antiepileptics, 34 are calming or stimulating drugs (i.e., psycholeptics and psychoanaleptics), 2 are anesthetics, 2 are anti-Parkinson drugs, and 2 are other nervous system drugs. "


Is this about effective medication screening…???


It’s about a lot of things, that is one. There are some medications that already target these genes, some of them are in testing already. The thing is that they would only be effective if you had the particular genetic makeup that the drug acted on. It’s becoming possible now to develop biomarkers for who may respond to a treatment.

They’re also looking at how all of the genes and the protiens they code for act together.


Okay lets be hopeful…!!!


We only wants better medication…!!! Thats it…!!! I am praying…!!!

NO @Far_cry0 , we want a CURE, and we want to be able to modify our genes the way we see fit(Not only for schizophrenics but for anyone who wishes to modify their genes).
Why settle for less when you can get much, much more and drive humanity toward an altogether more splendid