Alogy. who recovered?

Any med or supplement that had help someone of you in Alogy.

Alogy is when you have poor talking skills? When you have nothing to say? When you try to think but there’s a void in your mind? Then I have it.

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No med for negative and cignitive symptoms. Find subjects that interest you and find people that talk about those subjects.
I have alogia part of negative and cognitive symptoms.

Do you have a thought of poverty?

I can easily talk online like here but when I am face to face with someone I rarely talk. It also depends on the subject and individual.

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When you remain in a state or do some activity your mind get blank and only that state, activity in mind as if seeing a movie in a theater. The thing is if that activity or state is doing nothing or some no useful activity then that too continued endlessly as mind is void of all other thoughts. This is why from that state doing a useful activity or remaining in a needed state feel almost impossible as present state is all what in the mind. To solve this issue always make sure what you doing or remaining is in needed state. In simple terms, keep busy doing useful things then that useful activities, states is also followed automatically rather than following not useful, idle states.

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I don’t know what poverty of thought or alogia are. They both seem impossible to me.

Poverty of thought is definitely possible @SkinnyMe. My mom said when I was really sick at some point I would respond in sentence fragments and I definitely have times where I’m just not thinking and I realize after my thoughts start again. I’m starving. I heard the oven go off and I want something to eat.