All Young Cannabis Users Face Psychosis Risk


I take CBD 15 mg a day. It has no THC in it. CBD is perfectly safe and good for you. It relieves my arthritis pain and my chronic, generalized anxiety traits. I wouldn’t be without it. It does not cause psychosis in me. I would never take pot with THC anymore.

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Cannabis gives me some really creepy thoughts - not violent thoughts, but thoughts I don’t like having. I never liked the high of cannabis. I loved the way alcohol made me feel. I have to stay away from it, though. I get out of control sometimes when I drink.

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Seems to me to be a lot of topics about weed lately on this forum!??

Yeah people want to know what caused their illness or something to blame. Just b/c you smoked doesn’t mean it caused it.

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THC is dangerous for those predisposed or have family members with mental illness, I dont think id be as bad as i am now if i never did it.


What form do you take it in? I’m in the process of getting a medical mj card.

I’ve currently only used a topical which I can get OTC and it’s good for pain but hard to manage dosing.

Still. Even with the rise of high thc cannabis and it’s greater availability the incidences of schizoprhenia is still roughly 1%.

If your genetically prone to psychotic disorders it’s a no brainer for most. Just avoid the weed!


Yea this is really not a good thing. Here in Canada they’re legalizing marijuana in October I think. Just think of how many more minds are possibly going to be broken because of this.

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Good advice. I remember when I was younger I used to become psychotic whenever I smoked marijuana looking back. Actually you know what? Thank you for this post because I think I may have just found the source of my psychosis. It was around this time that symptoms started to appear.

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I can see why you might think that and I think you’re right in the sense that it’s difficult or impossible to isolate a single thing as the cause for a mental collapse but I think it’s also helpful to be able to identify things that contribute to significant imbalance so that people can avoid those things and not get sick.

It’s a bunch of things that contribute to psychotic disorders: life problems, bad physical health, genes, and I guess the mind just collapses under the weight of these things and we’ve got to repair it