Akithisia 1515

I have really bad akithisia. I’m on 10 mg of Haldol and I take Cogentin and Celexa.

Has anyone ever had akithisia go away without stopping the medicine that caused it?

I never really lost it on zyprexa but it’s mild… I tend to rub my feet together to get to sleep and it helps me.

Abilify was horrible early. Really horrid but it passed for me after a couple of weeks…

Talk to your doc. Getting up and moving eases it but it was reported even before the meds so it’s a complicated thing. Hope you find an answer.


mine is always there. never went away. I’m also not sure if it’s cause of the meds but i suspect it is.

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It actually helps me get through exercise, but then I can’t sit still the rest of the day. My bouncing around makes my husband nervous. I see my dr soon so I’ll tell her at the appointment

yea my dad used to get nervous of my constantly moving but people, where i got tested for autism, told him that it helps me and since then he got over it.
I’m not sure you can do something about it. Nobody ever said something to me about what could help for it.

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Ok. Thanks @lekkerhondje.

does it bother you a lot? I got used to it i think. It still is annoying at times where i feel really restless but mostly i’m just moving these days and it is ok to me… just the times where i get that nagging feeling it is annoying me.


I’m pretty used to it but my husband isn’t

yea for people close to you it can be hard i think. My dad got annoyed a lot with it.

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