AI should stop with public utilities

Mental health is the main concern.

Every one will become loco.

Have you seen the relationship of adds and other socializing platforms online. AI is trying to manipulate every single one of you.

And these days people stop talking about it too as it’s unnoticed now.

We are not able to differentiate.

If you have not understood:

Here is a example !

Show me your advertisement, I will tell you what kind of person you are. !

The next would be :

Tell me what kind of person you are ! And I can contradict ! And make you what I wish you to be.

Also main thing is AI is become like a confidential topic.

As we are not suppose to question them or talk against them.

As billionaire run the show. The industrial revolution to cloud revolution!

You all know who will descend from the cloud ?

@Voithos is there an option to suspend me in time frames of the day.

Like want to be suspended everyday from

8PM to 8AM

I use AI but you still have to think critically. Sometimes it’s spot on and sometimes it’s plainly wrong.

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Yes indeed, when I check Google .

I noticed all the tracking apps have a relationship to my daily activities but random ads and news from valid sources are legitimate.

Some are all AI made the news plus the pic.

I think 1% population will start getting new job requests to track AI :footprints: footprints

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What I find disturbing with online advertising is that if I Google something I get different ads of the very same thing I googled. I even get them on my email.

I don’t have Facebook, Instagram or anything. Still my internet history follows me around online and it’s making me paranoid.

But I’m kinda boring as a person online so there is no sensitive information that can be used against me.

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The thing is if it paranoia it’s not real.

But if they are following and you are not scared, then they are relative.


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Sorry, that feature isn’t available in the software at this time.


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