After a good day on his birthday

After a good day on his birthday my father has messaged my brother to say he’s in bed,and not able to get downstairs to write emails . My sister isn’t at all pleased with our stepmum’s behaviour. She says she’s never met a more selfish and narcissistic woman. Things suited my stepmum when my Dad was able to be at her beck and call. Now he can’t she’s showing her true colours.


Oh I’m so sorry @firemonkey

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Are you going to visit your dad?
Are you on good terms with the old man?

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My daughter,brother,and sister are all in agreement that my making the trip would be too difficult given my issues. Even a 9 hour or so flight would be problematic re basic bodily functions. I love my father, but my sister is his undoubtedly favourite. She’s like him personality wise, whereas I am not.

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I’m sorry. She sounds awful

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