Afraid to masturbate

Consider your action as just being natural. No body would object to a person spitting into the washbasin and nor should masturbation seen as being any different.

Sex, religious and political threads always get locked lol its bcz ppl always fight in those personal subjects, these things are different for everyone.

Does Thus Mean I Can Begin Threads Such as That Nature & They Will Jus Get Locked?.

And My Peeps Will Be Able to See My Personal Ideas on Those Topics in Locked Format?.

I Have So Much to Share!.

That isnā€™t About Finding a Partner on a Forum About Mental Illnessā€¦ . ā€¦ :star_struck:

@ATARI, if the topic of this thread bothers you, you can simply ignore it. Thatā€™s what I do when Iā€™m not feeling a topic. People can talk freely here because of anonymity more easily than face to face with a dr.

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Iā€™m not closing this thread. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with discussing masturbation. Itā€™s natural and healthy.

If you donā€™t like the topic, thereā€™s other threads to join.


What Bothers Me, @LilyoftheValley,

Are The Silent Witnesses Who Need Not to See Topics Such as Thus on a Forum With More Important Matters to Observe.

We All Have Faced Many Personal Topics Such as Thus.

Which Should Remain Personal.

Unless With Someone Prepared & Trained to Face a Subject Such as Masturbation.

It Seems Useless & With Very Negative Intentions.

Jus Sayin

You are entitled to your own opinion, but Iā€™m going to respectfully disagree.

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Donā€™t like it, post elsewhere. Quit derailing.


No one can see you. What a life it would be if we all watched you masturbate lol.

I used to feel the same way.

If youā€™re afraid to masturbate try sexually fantasizing about something that really gets you hot, that really keeps your interest and maybe that will take your mind off it. When I was younger I used to think I was being watched and I would fantasize and it really helped relax me and get me into it.

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I have sympathy because I only did that successfully once in my life when I was on Latuda (excluding wet dreams). I have no idea what to tell you because my voicesā€™ negative reactions, the switch back to the old med Invega, ending my porn addiction, and a reversion of the fear of being watched (along with how difficult it was) put an end to that.

@Naarai I flagged it. You used the R word to describe the thread. Not cool. If you want to leave over that, well, feel free. But weā€™re always here when you calm down and stop calling names


I fantasize about my desktop gaming PC, I have the biggest video card on the market, 2080 Ti :joy:


I can relate to you. Its one of my reasons for trying to stop that habit. Not telepathically but just cos everything is tracked on our phones. Makes me feel uncomfortable

Embrace it. If people are going to be watching you, I say put on the best show you possibly can. I mean, decorations, incense, maybe some posters, wear a suit and tie, a bowler hat. Maybe light off some fireworks or a laser light show with Pink Floyd. Give them their moneys worth. Leave 'em wanting more.


ok , will post picā€™s shortly :open_mouth: :joy:


<<<<gets popcorn and takes a seat


Damn, that wasnā€™t an invitation. It was more of a guideline.


I knew there was a point to reading this thread. You make it worth it. Get on with it. @77nick77 :astonished:

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jump up. flop your piece on the screen and scream to make sure for certain that everyone knows your masturbatingā€¦ then there wont be any question about it.

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