Aesop's Fable 22 June 2016

The Dog, the Cock, and the Fox

A dog and a cock became great friends, and agreed to travel together. At nightfall the cock flew up into the branches of a tree to roost, while the dog curled himself up insider the trunk, which was hollow. At break of day the cock woke up and crew as usual. A fox heard, and, wishing to make breakfast of him, came and stood under the tree and begged him to come down. “I should so like” said he “to make an acquaintance of one who has such a beautiful voice.” The cock replied, “Would you just wake my porter who sleeps at the foot of the tree? He’ll open the door and let you in.” The fox accordingly rapped on the trunk, when out rushed the dog and tore him to pieces.


That’s messed up, i wish noone got hurt


Yes a lot of the fables are pretty gory.

@flameoftherhine may or may not like this one. He loves foxes but also loves natures natural life cycles too.

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Yup. Nature is pretty messed up.


more like the metal fable 22 june 2016…or 2017… there wasn’t even a moral line at the end…Aesop just hates foxi…its all good…lol


Woops … wrong year! I’m living in the past!

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Well, the dog was fed by it’s owner until he left home. Who fed the traveling dog? He couldn’t understand the fox’s appetite.


yea that’s the untold part of the story… the dog and the cock day 10… no food for days… the dam chicken is getting fat on bugs while I…the dog am shrinking away from hunger… if we don’t find food today…i am afraid the chicken must go…
moral of the story chickens is delicious…


My pet chickens are crying.


you have pet chickens… that’s awesome… they are great pets…

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Not now. I did as a child. It’s a fond memory and I need all of the good memories I can get.


uhh… ok… day 15 the chicken and the dog… we have made it to the land of milk and honey… food is everywhere… im so glad I did not eat the chicken… we would not have made it here without his leadership… the chicken has started a family and I happily watch over them as bodyguard and friend… I loves me some chickens…
moral of the story… dinner is good for a day but friendship is forever…lol @PinCushion I fixed the story now your chickens don’t have to cry…