Accidentally took two geodons

And I saw double after an hour and a half and then slept for three hours. Coffee and cig later and I feel alright. I popped though, and double usually constipates people.

Maybe I didn’t and just think I did.

Oh well it’s noodles and then double workout. Then studying.

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Sounds like no harm done.

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Oh, so you’re less than perfect!

People are prone to forgetting whether they took a pill or not.


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Indeed yes

Much wisdom


Maybe a double workout isn’t the best idea right now. Doesn’t Geodon put stress on your heart?

Yeah, I think I may have just taken it with not enough food. I feel okay

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Okay that’s good.

Good that u feel good. I almost took more zyprexa then i should but i now use one of those pill dispenser things with the days of the week so every Sunday i put in all the pills ill need to take for the week. Makes it so much easier.

I had complications with my pill dispenser. I think I may, just may have taken two. It’s a long story. Now my PC is doing system restore. Anxiety

Ull be fine just make sure to take the right amount tonight or whenever u take it again one mistake always leads to a success. The PC thing i can relate on well i have a mac but i always get scared its gonna freeze and then it has frozen and then me panicking for five minutes then panicking on the phone with apple for another five minutes then me panicking while i drive to the store lol

I took two Latuda 120 mgs last night at bedtime where I usually only take one. That’s 240 mgs of Latuda. I still only got five hours of sleep, but today I am having some problem. Very heavy mood I am in. Feel heavily drugged. Out in public this morning, fearing detection by others, as I am moving very slowly. having difficulty thinking much of anything. I love it. If I were taking under the counter drugs, I would say this is the best! Occasionally I feel nauseous, as if I were going to throw up. There is no time.

I get constipated just from my regular dose of Geodon - 80 mg X 2 daily. I’ve found that if I eat a bowl of frozen vegetables heated up in the microwave with some kind of sauce on them daily that problem goes away.

x 2

Doesn’t sound too good to me –