Accidentally been drinking water from bottle with mold/fungus on it

I just found out that my water bottle had mold/fungus on it. I’ve been drinking from this bottle for about month or so. I kept refilling water without knowing about the fungus/mold. I have stopped drinking from that bottle though.

I just wanna know if this can cause anything serious ? I don’t have any symptoms of illness though.

just don’t drink it…!!!


I used to buy a bottle of water at the store and after I drank it I would refill it with more water for two or three weeks. Until I read that that plastic water bottles have some sort of chemical that leaks if you keep refilling it with water and the chemical could be dangerous.


Yea I’ve been drinking from a plastic bottle which had mold/fungus on it.

You could have a whole host of ailments from that bottle. Giardia maybe would be the worst, or tongue cancer

Maybe get a refillable washable one that you can wash every few days. BPA free.

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I think that you should be fine.

I refill my water bottles all of the time.

I’m not dead yet!.


When i used to refill my bottle, the fungus was still on the insides of the bottle.

So I was basically drinking water contaminated with fungus/mold without me knowing about it.

It sounds scary but hopefully you will not get sick.

You are not going to die.

Any signs of sickness and I would go to a doctor.

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yea, i dont have any symptoms of illness though. So i should prolly not worry.


You are no doubt DOOMED :stuck_out_tongue:


I did this last year. I had a pitcher that I would refill with water and since it was just water I only washed it like once a month. But I found mold under the lid, so i never saw it when I was refilling it. Grossed me out so much! I still haven’t used that pitcher again. Lol

I’m sure you’re fine.

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You can get a mean stomach bug from mold. It’s a small microbacillum that feeds off the small intestine causing anal leakage and ulcerative colitis.

Psylosibin possibly :dizzy_face: