I hate everything right now. Very upset. I completely didn’t realize I had an exam occurring during the same time as one of my classes that is very difficult to get out of and now it’s too late to reschedule it. (And the professor sent me a nasty email about how I should have been more responsible, and I’m likely to get an email of a similar nature from the professor who I just had to email about getting out of class). Of course they don’t know about any of my issues.
It just seems deeply unfair. Like a sick joke. My disorder makes my thoughts all screwy and makes it so I just have so much flipping more to manage and keep track of and so I make mistakes like this all the time, then people get pissed at me because they don’t understand and I anticipate their anger and my anxiety issues kick in and then I go into nightmare episode mode. Ugh ugh ugh. I don’t know what to do. I just wish I could get a break from people once in a while. Let my professors spend a day with my brain and then see how well they do at managing all those dates and classes and whatnot. They’d crash and burn.
Anyhow ranting as my anxiety is building and generally not doing so hot right now. Hope you all have been having a better day.
I’m sorry you professor was hard on you. That’s always rough. I’m sure he’ just trying to prepare you for a boss. Makes it difficult with a disorder on top of
Wasn’t it you who this happened to before? You missed a final or an important test or something like that? Have you considered buying a calender just to mark on it the days you have important tests or assignments? For me it’s easy. I take online classes and with a click of a few buttons I can see every upcoming assignment; when it opens and when it closes. I also printed out the syllabus with every reading assignment for the quarter and tacked it on my wall. How about those little day planner things just for school? If you are missing tests frequently this might be a consideration.
I did miss my final before, yes. I do mark everything on my calendar. I set alarms. I do everything I possibly can and sometimes it’s just not enough. I’m a hot mess.
Put the calender in a more prominent place and use a bright red felt-tip marker so the writing stands out? Use different color post-its with a test date on each one and post them someplace prominent so you can’t miss them? And get in the habit of checking them more often. Maybe ask someone who wouldn’t mind if they would remind you of test dates?
Designate a different color post-it for every class and always use that color for that specific class. Then you can just walk by and easily see which class has an assignment coming up.