Don’t think it’s the best song ever made rofl
Just know it’s different from my other songs
Don’t think it’s the best song ever made rofl
Just know it’s different from my other songs
I like it. It kinda ends abruptly
Apparently there’s a whole genre of “short songs”. That inspired me. If you’ve heard of xxxtentacion??? He died a couple years ago. Was a great artist. But he made a lot of short songs. Inspired me. And I think it came out good but…doesn’t take as much ability. But I’m still happy with the result. Thanks so much!
Well honestly I don’t know why but of all the songs of yours I’ve listened to this one is my favorite
Thank you!! For me it’s definitely up there
I don’t think you’ve heard “sleepless nights” or “Lucy” those are my two favorite songs of mine bar none.
But this is definitely top 5 or top 10. It’s up there. But I know I haven’t posted all my best songs ;). Thank you though
Wow I liked it.
It has good flow.
Very clean song.
Was definitely going for that vibe on this one
Didn’t wanna ruin that by making it a long song
My other songs are probably “sicker”. But this one I can share with my Momma.
I made a song with a Tupac acapella over a beat. Where Tupac is rapping. And then I go in for the third verse. Me and Tupac are equally controversial as each other in terms of lyrics. Bar none. That dude said edgy/controversial stuff. Comparing myself side by side to him proves I’m pretty sick. Although I may have been born in the wrong generation haha
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