A song about music

Don’t think it’s the best song ever made rofl :rofl: :joy: :crazy_face:

Just know it’s different from my other songs


I like it. It kinda ends abruptly

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Apparently there’s a whole genre of “short songs”. That inspired me. If you’ve heard of xxxtentacion??? He died a couple years ago. Was a great artist. But he made a lot of short songs. Inspired me. And I think it came out good but…doesn’t take as much ability. But I’m still happy with the result. Thanks so much!

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Well honestly I don’t know why but of all the songs of yours I’ve listened to this one is my favorite

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Thank you!! For me it’s definitely up there

I don’t think you’ve heard “sleepless nights” or “Lucy” those are my two favorite songs of mine bar none.

But this is definitely top 5 or top 10. It’s up there. But I know I haven’t posted all my best songs ;). Thank you though

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Wow I liked it.
It has good flow.

Very clean song.


Was definitely going for that vibe on this one :wink:

Didn’t wanna ruin that by making it a long song

My other songs are probably “sicker”. But this one I can share with my Momma.

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I made a song with a Tupac acapella over a beat. Where Tupac is rapping. And then I go in for the third verse. Me and Tupac are equally controversial as each other in terms of lyrics. Bar none. That dude said edgy/controversial stuff. Comparing myself side by side to him proves I’m pretty sick. Although I may have been born in the wrong generation haha :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

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