My supervisor at work does not give out compliments lightly. So I was surprised that he’s told me twice in two weeks that I did good on the tasks he gave me.
Even more surprising, the new guy gave me a couple semi-compliments. It was just mopping the gym but he commented about my style and said I made it look easy. To be honest, it was just the third of fourth time I’ve worked with him and his style sucks. I hate to say it but as I watch him mop it’s like he’s never used a mop before, he’s so slow and awkward that not only does he drive me crazy but it makes me mad. I just want to walk up to him and make him mop better and faster.
At first I overlooked it, After all, they hired him to work forty hours a week and they’re trying to teach him and I fiured if they are investing so much time in him than he must be some great worker. I rationalized that maybe his style isn’t that bad and that maybe mine wasn’t that great.
But when he complimented me I realized my instincts were right: I’m doing it right and his stye is weird. And a day later we’re in the other gym taking turns mopping and he commented that I worked fast and did a good job. All these compliments!