A Poem: Ok

I’m feeling ok.
Yeah, but for how long?
I’m feeling ok.
Yeah, but for how long?


For eternity or maybe not.

For how long do you usually feel okay?

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May I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?

I know full well the dread and self induced ruin of second guessing my good days.

As well as the guilt and shame in feeling I’ve wasted those good days.

Often seems we’re our own worst enemies. Saboteur. False Herald.

Good one E.H. You always make me think.


For a few days :joy:

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The last 7 days have been awesome. Symptoms are 90% gone and I mean ALL symptoms, including negatives and cognitives. I feel almost embarrassed and I don’t know what to make of it. It’s been ages since I felt like this. Do I deserve it? Should I manage my expectations?

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Did you do anything different ?!

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I’d been taking prozac for 5 weeks when these happy times started. That’s all I can think of. I’m still on it, although for the first 5 weeks I haven’t noticed any improvement.


Wow, well, keep doing whatever you’re doing ! Maybe it is the prozac.

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For now I’m working on a new personal project that I had in mind for a while but lacked the drive to do it. I wish I could count on at least 2 more good weeks in order for it to see the light of day.

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Okay okay I hear you say whatever whatever will be but if I were okay with this I must know your feelings too

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Well, 7 days later, things have been ok. Lol.


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