O Fatigue,
I’m too tired to
Write a poem about you
To be honest.
Just reading this exhausts me.
poetry about poetry. I like it.
reminds me of this:
" Of all the sickly forms of verse,
Commend me to the triolet.
It makes bad writers somewhat worse:
Of all the sickly forms of verse,
That fall beneath a reader’s curse,
It is the feeblest jingle yet.
Of all the sickly forms of verse,
Commend me to the triolet."
triolets aren’t bad, but they are very hard to write!
I was taught poetry at the Iowa writer’s workshop
And I have read a hell of a lot
Never read that poem
And don’t want to read it again
If people don’t know what they’re doing
They should give it up
We have coloring books
Knock it off @Daze. If you dislike someone else’s creative writing, just don’t read it.
50th grants every year for writers
Who are they going to
Blacks Arabs native Americans Asians
Try being a white woman writing in America today
50 thousand
All the award money going to inner city intellectuals
Think they can ever find DeWitt Iowa on the map?
@everhopeful’s a European and not competing for grants, though. This is just a fun pastime for him. I wish you didn’t take it so personally.
Not. I’m responding to the other poem.
Paid my dues
Did the work
No return
Even Whitman gave up
Poetry doesn’t pay well, you’re right. I was a poet, too. I had some minor success. I also gave up.
My co-person has an MFA in creative writing, one of the most gifted writers I’ve ever met. It’s copywriting and advertising that pay our bills, though, not her art.
I’ve wasted 27 years of my life @Rhubot
Sorry for gloom and doom
You’re also one of the most gifted writers I’ve ever met. I’m sorry it didn’t pan out for you.
I miss your blog, you know. I understand why you shut it down. I’m just putting that out there.
That made me laugh a lot
Well, the other poem was by Andrew Barton “Banjo” Paterson who died in 1941 so he’s not getting any grants these days either.
My kids: mom all your cry out in writing
If you just would have cried us some money
I wish art paid the bills. I would be out making movies still.
The most I ever made was 23K
That was working two jobs
Phil says I’m just a big mooch now
Phil doesn’t sound very supportive. Does he have a job himself?