A Poem: BAM!

Once reality goes BAM! on you,
It’s difficult to have
Anything in common
With a normie again.


I went bam, then I went to jam, I am, the man with a plan to bring these poems to the land.


this is so funny :joy:

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lol, I like this one!

The sound of sza
The sound of normies fleeing the house and slamming the door behind them.


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I am not sure about this?

I think I am still in the norm zone. :o)

Do you feel you have nothing in common with people without illness?
You are breathing, you like pizza, do you have two legs and arms :joy:

Normal people are already pretty weird. Some do not even know how to sympathize with others. I have met a lot of people who do not have a conscience and supposed to be ‘normal’ Maybe this illness is a blessing in disguise, horrifying on most days but I am glad of who I am as a person after the illness at the age of almost 30.

I mean the people around me are so freakin strange. I am so much more grounded/ simple / caring. which is probably why I do not fit in certain places. Also I think one of biggest bonus is I am so much more accepting of people around me which I was not at one point.

What do you think?


I have a lot of superficial things in common I guess. But sometimes that isn’t enough.


only at work / I feel not fitting in well. In real life it is still pretty good on most days. I think :thinking:
I deleted my facebook god knows the stuff I posted on there :joy: meh

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