A new study about L-theanine i found from spring 2018


Yikes, I would NOT recommend taking Pregnenolone! It is the precursor to a whole bunch of male hormones and as soon as you start taking it your natural production will shut down wreaking havoc on your body! Once you start this and then stop it will throw everything out of whack and your hormone levels will crash and you will be lucky if you are ever the same again! It is such as shame that it works on SZ.


I do not agree. The body decides in which hormone it turns Pregnenolone. So basically if you are low on some hormones, the body fills that gap when you take Preg, making the levels normal.
I have taken Pregnenolone for app. 2 years (up to 400mg a day with some success) but never encountered any (hormonal) problems.


Side Effects & Safety

There isn’t enough information to know if pregnenolone is safe when taken by mouth. It might cause some steroid-like side effects including overstimulation, insomnia, irritability, anger, anxiety, acne, headache, negative mood changes, facial hair growth, hair loss, and irregular heart rhythm.

Special Precautions & Warnings:

Pregnancy and breast-feeding : Not enough is known about the use of pregnenolone during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.


Hormone-sensitive condition such as breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or uterine fibroids : Pregnenolone is converted by the body to estrogen. If you have any condition that might be made worse by exposure to estrogen, don’t take supplemental pregnenolone.


What side effects

Can this caused psychosis

When I took l-theanine I slept well for one or two nights and then the effect wore off. i must admit I was messing around with OTC sleep aids and they may have affected how it didn’t work. After fooling with that and some other legal but oh so dangerous crap when added to each other I ended up in the Psych Ward. I have just followed doctor’s orders and have slept OK since (and maybe a bit too much) but have stayed out of trouble. Adding trileptal stopped what my main adversity to antidepressants which finally helped with sleep was (my tendency to get angry on them). If these OTC’s and supplements work for you then that’s a good thing but they are drugs too and playing doctor can get you in big trouble. So be careful out there.

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I didn’t have any side-effects. Instead, I was off antipsychotics for a year when I used Pregnenolone. I gained 5KG muscle mass on it (and off course eating healthy and exercising much). I remember it increased my attention, motivation and socializing (mainly negative symptoms). But since I switched to Latuda it didn’t do anything for me anymore so I quit eventually.
Though I do recommend someone who reacts positive to L-Theanine to try the combo with Pregnenolone.

@everhopeful I think you read to much into possible side-effects on everything that is mentioned helpful. I think it’s also fair that you should post the positive effects (trials) of Pregnenolone in schizophrenic patients. Left or right, is Pregnenolone worth to try? I think yes, it is! If someone encounters negative effects, they can always stop and things will turn to normal. And I think the majority of people on this site is capable of how drugs effect them just like when they try antipsychotics. One thing is for sure IMHO, the possible side-effects of antipsychotics are way worse than a supplement like Pregnenolone. If not, it would already be banned everywhere in the world.

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Thank you.
Let’s note that the study is irrelevant for people who don’t take antipsychotics.

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Not sure about that, one year I was off antipsychotics, one year on Zyprexa. On Zyprexa I still had benefits on Pregnenolone. When I switched to Latuda, it became worthless, just like Sarcosine. And to mention Sarcosine, Sarcosine made a 180 degree positive turn in my recovery.

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HAIL TO SARCOSINE!!! HAIL TO SARCOSINE!!! Yes its a complete sentence