A new painting

painted oil on carboard
first time in months with oil…
have no canvas yet so i paint on anything that will bear it



That looks awesome. Very good. :beetle::beetle::beetle:


I really like this one!!!

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You are pretty talented. I like how you capture how you live. Do you do anything more than self portraits?

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I like the way this picture was arranged! And nice lighting!

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thank you a lot :rabbit::rabbit::rabbit:

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hey thanks, yea i do what ever i need and want, and self portrait becaus its free for me, no need to pay to a model
you are welcome to visit my insta, working on a site now
(ola timer art)


thanks, although the light is depressing, its a florecent light and i hate him but its a fit for the subject

I could not find your insta. I found some website though that said you had exhibits before.

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Very good! You’ve so much talent but make some happy pics as well! Broaden your horizons and mix it up a bit. You’ve so much talent girl!

@ola that looks really beautiful

@ola I’m always amazed, as someone with the artistic ability of about a 6 year old, at the artistic talent of people like you.

You have a gift./great talent. Call it what you will.


hey, yea i totally forgot lol, thanks have bin reedit now, ho it is good that you find it, tomorrow i will upload more pics, any way i had not a lot of exebitiones, i moved to germany a few monts ago and now i studding the german languege…frostraiting but i hope to get in into a good academy…
it is so hard, i dont belive i am doing it, i cant belive i am still alive…all my coledg friens make exebitions and i am worthless pice of s"""
lol sorry…bot i will let it hang there

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I am always amazed at the talent on this site.

Why don’t we have more recognition.

Not that i have artistic talent.


thanks rog… i actually found a pice of card bored to paint on, i need to make work space, order materials, start working
i am so tired, alone, i am in an amazing green place, but all i feel its the hard rocks…you are so right, i know i need work more, i dident paint a few months bsecause i have no place or time…
ho my god i am in a really bad shape…
no wonder my work so bad

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well recognition its a very hard work, its mean to talk to people, galleries, to run and make a name. some time it can take years. god knows even if it will work, nobody get recognition with silently paint in a room,
its well knowne that being an artist most of work its not to paint…

thanks man, a lot really, its helps, right now i feel like something that need to be buried in the back yard

I liked it too @ola amazing work. Maybe you could be a street artist and paint on card board

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thanks a lot
i actualy thought about making some money on street art
to paint people
its a good money
but i dont have a lot of confidence that people will want that
i a second way to say it
i am not good with people
i am afraid

Just go somewhere and paint the buildings or a scene or whatever you want. You pictures is art almost surreal and really good. but somebody may offer you some bucks.

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