A new fave show?

I have been watching a lot of dr phil lately. I don’t know why, but a lot of them are way to interesting to me and I can’t stop watching them XD

I watched his first season. He had many varied guests but now his show seems to be geared towards women. It’s all about relationships. But I find him personally very funny and entertaining.

I love Game of Thrones… that is my “new” fave show… not so new anymore… i didn’t watch it til the third season but i have read the books…


Although his shows are sometimes entertaining (Dr Phil) - what human being doesn’t like to watch drama, I personally think he is a fraud. He is all about his books and promoting the family business. He has made derogatory hateful remarks against those afflicted with mental illness. He is a money machine and a media whore who lives for ratings and money - not a big fan of his, as you can tell - I like to watch Game of Thrones

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Not new to me, but I love The Big Bang Theory.

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I got rid of my TV two years ago. Caused to much anxiety in my life. :tv:

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I would try watching shin chan or south park. Both are retarded and a good relief from thinking rationally.

Never heard of the shinchan thing but its great. Loved the lucy in the sky with diamonds refrence too :slight_smile: