Interesting TV Shows

What TV shows do people here like to watch?

Rick and Morty and WestWorld.


Rick and Morty is AMAZING. WestWorld is too real for me lmao


I’m Mr meeseeks look at me! I third rick and morty


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub.


Howard Stern is good too. Its on youtube. He’s a big proponent of psychiatry although he doesn’t get medicated. Always cheers me up. Really a smart guy that Howard.

Cant’ wait for season 3 ep2 Rick and Morty!

Oh yeah and Keenan and Peele.

LOL The leprechaun with his “marshmellows” and the kids cut him open to take “it” away… lol

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Breaking bad, dexter


@Oncewerewarriors (aka @Sucka_4_luv) please stop creating duplicate accounts which is against forum guidelines.

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I like anything educational
Independent Lens
P.O.V.-Point of View
Stephen Hawking’s

There’s a new show on NBC called This Is Us (the season has ended, but it will return in a few months) that I like.

I don’t have tv service or a converter box, but when I go to my friend’s house we mostly watch Tattoo Nightmares and Impractical Jokers off his dvr. We also watch Family Guy, The Simpsons, and South Park, typically when they have new episodes. Oh, and Detroit Lions games during the NFL season, as we both are Lions fans. In terms of more serious shows, I love Gotham - I recently bought season 2 on dvd, so I’m a season behind. I’ll buy season 3 when it comes out later this year. Penguin absolutely slays me. :smile:

With not being able to watch tv at home, other than on dvd, I mostly just have music playing when I’m here.

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