A need to rededicate

Up until this week, I had only missed practicing guitar 1 day in about 6 months. This week I missed 2 days. Feeling a bit bad about about missing the 3rd one today. Need to start fresh tomorrow.

Seems like everything has been put off since I have been having some sleep difficulties. I was supposed to blood draws and a few other things that have also been put off.

Also, I haven’t done dog walk in 3 or 4 days, despite my wish to resume them daily.

Feeling a bit off course.

I must make changes.

Anyway, what are some things that you need to get done that you have not been getting to?


I’m doing really well with fitness but would like to be able to do some hobby time. I guess I’m just stuck doing one thing which is really annoying. I don’t know how you peeps do families and stuff with this disorder.

So. I’m going to try to do a couple of hours at least this week doing some hobby stuff. Have some half finished miniatures to finish so the goal is to keep up the exercise…and do some hobby time.


I feel ya big dude. Sometimes I feel like I’m wasting so much time with these damn negatives.

I have a couple things on my agenda though.

I really want to start studying Spanish, and I also want to get back into reading. I even got a new book today.

And in the long run I’m considering going back to university to finish my bachelor’s degree.


I punched a hole in my bedroom wall that I fixed halfway. I got to finish spackling it and painting it before the manager sees it.

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I haven’t punched a wall since I was a teen. I landed right on a stud and my fist swelled all up like bad. I have not done it since.

My advice is to never punch a wall without a stud finder. lol.


I didn’t play but one or none of my two instruments each day for a couple of weeks because of depression. I didn’t even know the Lexapro had been working. It just transmutes my emotions so they are a little easier to manage, they still suck. What’s important is the enjoyment you get doing it and I’ve been frustrated lately.

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