A lot of voices today

I used to think that meds are poison.
But I hadn’t thought of my psychiatrist as responsible.

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Good morning om!

I just had my third cup of coffee. I have swedish tobacco (snus) under my lip.

I’m going to eat lunch with my mother today. We are having pizza.

I played some bloodstained on my Nintendo. I’m at the last boss. She is very difficult. I don’t know how I’m going to beat her. Her attack pattern is difficult.

I have voices as usual but I am listening to music and I try to ignore the voices while I focus on the music.

I’m sorry to hear that you are struggling.

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Hey speedy. What’s up?
It’s a bit cold here. There?

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I feel it’s a waste of a good camera to point it at people.


I hate days with plenty of voices. Can really annoy the heck out of me.

I hope tomorrow is better @Om_Sadasiva !

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It’s +6c today. It’s going to rain.

Everything is fine.

I heard about the floodings in Crete. I saw pictures of peoples car immersed in water.

At least your voices say funny things. These days I have images of people getting stabbed and raped. It’s not fun! I don’t know if it’s psychosis or ocd. I don’t understand where these thoughts come from? I’m a harmless person!


It’s pretty warm for the time of year in Belgium.



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