I have this killing headache and I hear voices that manipulate me into thinking that I am a either terrorist, a pervert or a stupid persson, only way is to stand still and not think which causes a tinnitus from all parts of my brain ringing trough out my head. I had a NSAID so lightheaded and clozapine which made me not think anything and valproic acid which calmed me down but it still sucks dirty socks.
It happens.Gotta friends,two of them actually,who don’t have voices as symptom.It’s very hard for me to explain them what kind of torture it is.All their problems are stupid to me comparing ill voices (I call them demons).
Some guy gave me a special prayer so that evil goes away, I throwed it to garbage, I’m more down to town thinking it is more like an hive mind or something. Demons might sound a little naive to call them.
Don’t know how to confront them.Annoying and makes me look much older and feel exhausted all the time.Sometimes got tics from it.
Tried all available ap’s but nothing beat them in long run.I pray but it doesn’t help.
Yeah, they are worse than deamons. I am more calm now. I should wait a little until prejudice goes away and specific torture continues to rebuild into it.
I’m sorry @anon27694199 ,but it seems we are in same basket.
It feels more like basket is in me. lol
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