I talk to Social Security about getting my SSDI turned back on next week. Already sent in all the paperwork from getting fired in December.
I accepted a new job on the same day as the appointment if that doesn’t work out. It’s $35 an hour. $52 an hour for overtime and they said it could be about 60 hours a week. That might kill me but they say it’s only a two month gig. The job description said it’s disaster management but the lady I talked to on the phone said I just have to drive a 15 passenger van and pick people up from the airport and bring them to the hospital.
I borrowed over a $100,000 and bought a business I put in my wife’s name. We are going to own a vending machine business. It will take a couple to a few months to get rolling but we will eventually have 10 vending machines.
Next month we go to training for a few days in Buffalo on the vending business. Doesn’t seem like a good time of the year to visit Buffalo but my flight is booked.
Wow you are paid a lot where you are at. Here you are doing well if you get $15 an hour as I have heard, but I guess it depends on what job you have. The most I was ever paid was $22 an hour.
Thanks for the update, sounds like you’re a busy fella these days. Check out Anchor Bar in Buffalo if you have time – original home of the chicken wing.
No, it isn’t. It’s been a mild winter but be prepared just in case you get stuck here in a snow storm. Lake effect is crazy.
Make sure you bring good winter gear, just in case you’re in a vehicle and get stranded. Mittens are warmer than gloves, a knit cap is better than a hood and can go under a hood, and good non slip shoes. It’s been frigid past couple of days and there is ice everywhere. The salt doesn’t work in extreme cold.
I don’t have any winter gear. It’s going down to 25 tonight but that’s very rare here. A couple days ago my ac was on.
I only have light jackets. No need for a winter coat in Louisiana.
Might have to go shopping.
I am not going to rent a car. Will use the shuttle and Uber. The company is putting us up in a hotel and providing meals. We just had to get the airfare.
You will definitely need more than a light jacket here. I mean, for us we can get by with a l8ght one in 30 to 25 degree weather, but that’ll be a shock for your system.
And even using an Uber you can end up stranded on the highway in bad storms. My friend was stranded for 12 hours in a bad storm.
When do you plan to come? I can check the weather that’s Buffalo specific. It’s more accurate when checked from up here.
I’ll see what my weather station says for Feb, I think I can get an extended forecast, but Feb is generally a lot better than Jan. We get frigid temps in the sub zeros in Jan. Feb is typically 20s and higher.
I just checked and as far as they have right now is first week of Feb. Looks like 30s. So, comfortable for us. Still have a good coat, gloves or mittens, a knot cap, and good socks are paramount. I like boot socks.
I was supposed to have another interview yesterday but they called me and asked me if I could come on Monday. I said yes. It’s an aircraft mechanic job. That ain’t gonna pay much.
Then that lady called me and offered me that other job. She didn’t even interview me. Just asked me if I wanted the job and sent me an offer letter. Wanted me to start yesterday. The offer letter says I start tomorrow but I told her I couldn’t start yesterday because my dogs were getting a bath and I had to go pick them up. She called back and said I could start on Thursday but I don’t know what I need to wear or where I have to be or who I need to meet. Don’t really know anything.
I may still go to the airport and interview on Monday for the aircraft mechanic job. They want someone full time but I am going to ask about part time. If my SSDI gets turned back on I could still work couple days a week. Love the smell of jet fuel.
On Friday they told me I would start Thursday so I wasn’t real worried about it but they had me come in on Sunday. It was for 30 minutes and the lady told me she would pay me for 4 hours and then I started on Monday.
I didn’t go to the aircraft mechanic interview. Last time I did that I got $15 an hour. In California you can get that working the drive through at McDonald’s.
Social security called me again today. It’s Saturday. A different guy. He said he wanted all my paystubs from 2021. I got fired in December. That’s a lot of paystubs. I tried logging into my pay system to get my paystubs and don’t have access to that any more.
I have my last paystub from the IRS and all the stubs from the job I got fired from. I will give him those. He said he saw that I got a new job.
I thought he was talking about the one I just had for 3 days but he was talking about the one I got fired from. I told him I got fired in December and I should get SSDI from then. He said no maybe November. That’s why he wants my paystubs he said.
I already sent them to him but I will drop them off again.
Applied for my wife to be my caregiver again with the VA too. We applied and got denied before but they mailed us something saying we could apply again.