I found a book in an used book store called, “Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia,” by Alan Bellack, et al, (2004), 339 pages. It would have cost me $15 and I thought that was too much.
In my opinion it is too much work to learn these social skills, and we don’t really understand why we have the deficits we do. But it helps me just to be aware of some of my symptoms that might come from my schizophrenia. I found these social skills in the index of the book:
conversation skills
assertiveness skills
conflict management skills
communal living skills
friendship and dating skills
health maintenance skills
I know I am missing some of these skills. I was not aware. Maybe I can improve on them.
I’m not really lacking in conversation or health maintenance skills but everything else yes. I have no problems talking on the phone anyway. I do have issues conversing irl though.