A cop insulted me tonight

The sadism got too much for me in my apartment tonight and I had to get out. So I grabbed a cup and put some ice and fruit juice in it and went for a drive.

I know this area OK and I used to go to an AA meeting at this church long ago and I knew they had a big parking lot so I wasn’t too far away so I drove there and parked under a street lamp right at front near the street and listened to the Beatles: Live at the BBC and sipped my drink.

I don’t do anything illegal anymore so when a cop drove about 10 feet from me I didn’t even flinch and he barely slowed down when he looked at me. At first I was glad that I didn’t warrant any bad attention from a cop and he saw I was harmless and not the kind to start trouble.

But the more I thought about it bugged me and I thought “Wait a minute, I caused plenty of trouble in my time and had multiple run-ins with law.” I thought it was disrespectful of him to dismiss me so fast and not even pay attention to me. I earned at least a little fear from him.

Ah, the twisted logic of a schizophrenic.


I wish cops would always insult me like that.


he’s not a mind reader. he didnt know the old you.


You should have turned up the music, thrown some gang signs and littered. That would have gotten his attention.


If you had been eating a doughnut he definitely would have searched you. I’m just trying to make you laugh…I know it’s a stereotype so don’t start flagging the heck out of me…:crazy_face:

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I still get nervous around cops even though i don’t do anything to break the law anymore. I was never a real criminal but i did my share of stupid stuff in my younger days.

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You know I’ve always wondered what would happen if I gave an officer the finger. Would I be arrested? It is one of my dreams. LOL


Lol, dream big they say

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Mate. Cops only pull you over when your nervous or hiding something! I guess it’s a learned skill and a matter of survival to them in their jobs. I know that paranoia creeps in but I’m glad your doing well and your not getting your ass busted by the cops!

It’s a compliment to you matey!

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Yeah, I mistakenly took a donut at work in the Army Reserve bigwig’s office. The secretary called the FBI and the CIA and my boss and they all asked for the death penalty.

I guess that’s dark humor…………


next time give him the finger lol

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