Is it normal it takes that long to go back to normal? I have been on AP’s for 6 months, had severe sexual dysfunction from day 1 of treatment which persists till today, 6 weeks off medication… Should i be worried i have pssd?
Do you vape? I found when I started to vape, downstairs was less functional.
It’s notoriously known that APs do have an effect on sexual function; I was told abilify/aripiprazole least effects it apparently
I wouldn’t worry yet. Eat healthy to make sure your body gets what it needs to get back into equlibrium and hopefully it will normalize.
I don’t know why this is happening to you.
With me, the desire comes back in a week or two after lowering the medication, yet the erections may take a longer period to recover.
Like two medications have detroyed my sex drive. One was Klonopin I took it for 6 years, and one was Amisulpride, which I took for a year.
You should be more worried that you have been off meds for six weeks.
Its not just my sex drive, its the sexual functioning all together. Im really scared i have pssd because for most people it takes a short period of time to go back to normal…
You get old 15
I may not use my power tool as often, but boy am I good with it!
When I went off AP’s and AD’s, my sex drive went through the roof very quickly after stopping and my ability to get hard was much better.
Now i’m back on meds and my sexual functioning has definitely decreased. I really have to put in a lot of effort to have an orgasm and when I do, it doesnt feel as good as it did off meds.
What worries me more is you are off your prescribed medication. That’s just begging for a relapse of your symptoms.
Did you go off meds with your doctors approval?
What relapse? I never had psychosis. I was misdiagnosed. And no, i won’t explain how that happened, that story is way too long and complicated to possibly even try to explain here in English which is not my native language. But don’t worry i got this! If my sexuality ever returns at least, my life will be good again.
It may really be true in your case but a lot of people claim they are misdiagnosed. Sometimes they’re right, sometimes they are wrong. No offense, but I’ll ask again: are you off your meds with a doctors approval or did you go off on your own?
Well now its been 3 months. No improvements. Im scared to death that my sexuality is gone forever and i will never be able to experience sexual pleasure again, have a relationship and/or children. My life is destroyed by these horrible meds…
There are a few supplements you could try that affects libido directly like oyster extract, avena sativa, tribulus terrestis.
But it could be some sort of imbalance in serotonin/dopamine. You might try supplements like bacopa monieri, rose root or schizandra to try balance this.
It’s enough to try one from each category at once though.
I will look into those, thanks! But i do kind of feel like a supplement is not going to fix this severe sexual dysfunction for me. on Pssd forum people did not have much success with supplements and medications…