Hey, guys. I created this infographic in order to help with stigma. At first I created it in Brazilian Portuguese, but I decided to translate it to English. I hope my English is okay (if not, please, give me some feedback).
Nice work!
I can relate, I’ve heard all of those statements before, and it bugs me that people don’t know better.
Your english is good!
I think you might want to subtitute “understanding” for comprehension in number 3.
And for #6
I’m paraphrasing because I can’t read and type at the same time but “Schizophrenia is due to poor parenting” “The causes of schizophrenia are complex and not fully understood. Childhood trauma is bad for anyone, but by itself does not cause schizophrenia.” Maybe something like that? It’s hard to condense it down to an info graphic since it’s a complex issue.
You are good with the graphic design.
Thank you, @twinklestars
Is it okay if I use the phrase you created for #6?
I’m also thinking aboit #5. Do you mean that people think schizophenics are lying or making things up? I’m trying to think what’s the best way to say that.
That they are unhinged and in lala land, so nothing they say is real…
I had to deal with that with my family. Everything I said I felt I had to prove/fact check for them.
It’s in the meaning that a person with schizophrenia is lying. She’s not lying. She’s having dellusions.
I thought about #5 a bit. Maybe something like “People with schizophrenia make up stories and accusations intentionally” “People with schizophrenia may be paranoid or believe things that are bizarre or untrue due to their illness, but these beliefs are very real to them.” And then the stuff about how to be supportive.
Thank you again, @twinklestars !
May I use your phrases? They’re very good.
Sure, glad if it was helpful.
I’m not sure if it is as much of an issue elsewhere in the world but in the US, a fair percentage of people also think it is a spiritual problem as well as charachter flaw.
It’s a good one. In Brazil some people still believe it’s a spiritual problem as well. But I think it can generate some controversy.