5 Day 'fasting mimicking diet' may reverse aging

I am currently pursuing a commercially available 5 day Fasting Mimicking Diet (https://prolonfmd.com/) developed by the University of Southern California that purports to achieve the killing off of senescent cells in the body. One of their hopes it that it will achieve a rejuvenation effect. I have done 14 cycles of the 5 day FMD fasts so far over the past few years.

Research into the Prolon FMD is continuing, but if early results are upheld then it could achieve results such as show in this clip. 1 minute clip.

I find that interesting but probably costly.

If you Google you might be luck and find that someone out there has hacked together a ‘do it yourself’ cheap version. The diet has been commercially available since around 2017 or 2018, so that might have given someone enough time to figure it out.

The clip was about a drug.

The clip below portrays the Prolon FMD specifically, 10 minute clip.