30 - 45 days no anti psychotics took 15 mg abilify 3 - 5 days ago still doing awesome, great and totally fine. What the hell is this?
I had a pdoc take me off antipsychotic. I flipped out about 10 months later and got into trouble. I couldn’t tell I was going downhill.
from what I have heard, it can be a few months before you notice anything bad. I, myself would be scared to risk it. Good luck, though.
I think it may take a while I went down to 2mg of risperidone from 4mg and it took half a year for me to start being consumed by my hallucinations again.
you’re well on your way down the rabbit hole dude…I’m so sick of people stopping their AP. why can’t you people understand schizophrenics need their meds !?
Hey way i know u have a lot of positive symptoms …!!! It’s not good to leave Medication …!!!
U need it… i don’t have any positive symptoms but still take medication …!! I am in also trail and error phase…!!!
hey far_cry0 how are you buddy?
i wanna try ultra magnesium 400 mg once a day
is it safe with abilify injection 400 mg and clonazepam 1 mg twice daily, what you think?
yes u can always try it …!!!