3 AM, my early morning walk


So beautyful…i love the photograph…

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It gets light early in your neck of the woods!


my favorite.

The only time I see 3AM is when I say up all night, but then it’s black outside.

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Are u still awake…

I started sleeping last night early after taking my meds earlier than usually, in this way I was able to wake up early, yes, I still awake, I had my psych meeting today, was good to discuss my matters, went great.

I like my regular psych meetings, I can discuss all kinds of things, one topic was today that what happened in America, something bad happened to me and I want to forget all what happened in America, in this way my mind is more positive and I do not feel depressed. I want to forget all that.

I really like my early morning walks, it is so peaceful, somehow I am glad I live in a small town somewhere far from big cities, can hear birds singing, see the nature, very peaceful and what is best, not many people are walking around at the time I have my walks.

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I wish i lived in a small town. I go on walks too, there’s a long nature trail but it runs alongside a highway. I am lucky the area i live isn’t too crowded tho. I dont wanna walk at 3am here, it’s not safe, there’s gangs in this county.

We do not have any gangs here, it is peaceful and beautiful …