Today my husband and I celebrate 20 years of marriage.
I honestly can’t believe a “normie” put up with my special brand of crazy for so long. It’s really possible. Never give up hope that your soul mate is out there.
He’s been there through my worst times. I’m really lucky to have him in my life.
Well, we didn’t enjoy ourselves all the time. It’s been very hard a lot of times. We came very close to divorce right before my major psychotic break and breakdown.
Getting myself on APs, treating my sza, and him getting on antidepressants for his anger and depression helped immensely.
That sounds fun! We didn’t have gifts, been tight here, but next year i have been joking our marriage will finally be of legal age. 21 is legal drinking age here, lol.
They could have raised the legal drinking age to 25 and smoking to 50 years. That way its slowly and less painless. Some kids are alcoholics and drugaddicts before their legal age. I think that is worse i ever said here.