I drank a monster. Big mistake lol I was already manic and now Im manic AND wired on caffeine and whatever other toxic sludge they put in this stuff
Feels good. But I shouldnt do this often. I know Im gonna feel it tomorrow but for now Im living the high life
What time is it where you are, and what did ya get up to today/night? I personally ate, bought cigs, watched youtube, browsed the forum, watched more youtube, drank a monster, and now here we are lol
Ah nice! So long as no one spoils it that sounds great, get to skip all the ads
I cant watch games due to sht internet and I also dont have tv, so Id have to get an bootleg stream. Not a problem for me, but my internet is terrible and it buffers too much and you usually cant pause it to catch up
@Bowens sounds pretty chill, I like eating and sometimes browsing the forum. Whats svengoolie? Is it like a halloween special? I love this time of year, mostly because of the weather and halloween
@LilyoftheValley Its not so bad, only thing I really miss is sports. I can still watch youtube on low quality and thats enough for me. Mostly just play single player video games or guitar otherwise
Well, it sounds like you still get to do things you enjoy and you keep busy that way. I stopped my hobbies because I’m not enjoying them anymore. And I feel incompetent at everything. I’m not trying to get sympathy, I’m just explaining why I rely on tv now.
@Bowens ah interesting I like old horror films especially alfred hitchcock movies. What network is it on?
@LilyoftheValley Yeah it sounds more than it is. If I were to show you a pie chart it would be about 80% mindless youtube videos about gaming lol. No need to explain yourself, were all sick here, and I totally get lack of motivation, had it myself and its no joke
Never heard of MeTV, but I had a look and it seems really cool! Great for a viewing party I bet, break out the popcorn and treats!
@anon22846033 yes, but Ive been on quite a long break. I just havent had any inspiration lately, though I certainly have the time. I made one track a few days ago and its just meh. Here it is if you want to listen to it: