2 am babyyy, lets chat

I drank a monster. Big mistake lol I was already manic and now Im manic AND wired on caffeine and whatever other toxic sludge they put in this stuff

Feels good. But I shouldnt do this often. I know Im gonna feel it tomorrow but for now Im living the high life :sunglasses:

What time is it where you are, and what did ya get up to today/night? I personally ate, bought cigs, watched youtube, browsed the forum, watched more youtube, drank a monster, and now here we are lol

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I’m watching the U of M game. But I’m behind on it. I’m watching the recording of it and am 30 minutes behind

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How much caffeine was in your monster drink?

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Ah nice! So long as no one spoils it that sounds great, get to skip all the ads

I cant watch games due to sht internet and I also dont have tv, so Id have to get an bootleg stream. Not a problem for me, but my internet is terrible and it buffers too much and you usually cant pause it to catch up

@TheCanuk 160 mg, is that a lot?


I got up around 5am then went back to sleep about 8am and woke up at noon. It’s 7:02pm right now where I am.

I mostly just ate and browsed the forum today. A chill but boring Saturday for me. I think Svengoolie is on soon. I may check some of that out.

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That’s a bummer @zwolfgang . I watch a lot of tv. I’d hate to be without

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@Bowens sounds pretty chill, I like eating and sometimes browsing the forum. Whats svengoolie? Is it like a halloween special? I love this time of year, mostly because of the weather and halloween

@LilyoftheValley Its not so bad, only thing I really miss is sports. I can still watch youtube on low quality and thats enough for me. Mostly just play single player video games or guitar otherwise


Svengoolie is a tv show that shows mostly old horror movies. A number of forum members watch it.


Well, it sounds like you still get to do things you enjoy and you keep busy that way. I stopped my hobbies because I’m not enjoying them anymore. And I feel incompetent at everything. I’m not trying to get sympathy, I’m just explaining why I rely on tv now.

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@Bowens ah interesting I like old horror films especially alfred hitchcock movies. What network is it on?

@LilyoftheValley Yeah it sounds more than it is. If I were to show you a pie chart it would be about 80% mindless youtube videos about gaming lol. No need to explain yourself, were all sick here, and I totally get lack of motivation, had it myself and its no joke


It’s on MeTV.

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@zwolfgang, are you still in composing?

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Never heard of MeTV, but I had a look and it seems really cool! Great for a viewing party I bet, break out the popcorn and treats!

@anon22846033 yes, but Ive been on quite a long break. I just havent had any inspiration lately, though I certainly have the time. I made one track a few days ago and its just meh. Here it is if you want to listen to it:

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Thanks @zwolfgang. I like your music you make. That’s a great hobby

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Am, C, B… Right?

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No problem @LilyoftheValley :slight_smile:

Thanks a bunch, its really fun sometimes, othertimes very frustrating but overall so worth it imo

@anon22846033 haha yup!


I leave you song in my thread…

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Ah you mean the iron maiden one? Yeah Ive been a fan since I was a kid. The trooper was my jam!

Edit: my bad was satch. Love joe satriani, here my faborite by him:

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