I’m drinking some decaf coffee and smoking a square, nothing to eventful. I started watching evangelion today, so far so good. I enjoyed it, movie wise? I been watching some old chicano gangster flicks. What about you all?
4am here. Just puffing on my vape with a filter cofee - and then im gonna get stuck into the house-work. Idea being to get it done early, then i can slob on the sofa all day with the blanket ha.
Nice, you been up all night? Or did you just wake up?
Nah i was in bed by 4.30 pm yesterday, im slowly ending up going to bed earlier and earlier for some reason. Hence im up at 4 lol.
Haha, man hopefully you got some good sleep. Have a good rest of your day, bro!
11:20 pm… just got home… gonna start getting ready for bed… massive headache
Yeah - ill be staying in, probably wont even bother getting dressed .
I’m sorry to hear. Anything triggered the headache? If you don’t mind me asking.
@Naarai I get you, I have those days myself. I was in pajamas this whole day too, lol.
"and smoking a square"
What does that mean?
It’s ok. I have a cold. Hoping it’s not covid.
It’s slang for cigarette. lol
@anon63380492 I hope you recover! : D
Oh, here in Canada we call a cigarette a ciggy, a dart, a smoke, a nail…etc.
Thank you
how are you?
Haha “nail” thats really cool! Yeah I live in the U.S, haha.
@anon63380492 I’m doing good, I slept and woke up at 5 PM, lol. I’m just scrolling throuh Youtube’s recommendation algorithm, haha. Some interesting stuff. What about you???
. Yeah I have found some good random stuff on my recommends… I’m probably gonna head to bed soon
I think I heard them called “coffin nails”.
Yeah haha. Sleep well! Have a good night! @anon63380492
I’ve never heard of old Chicano gangster flicks. Sounds interesting
My bad, I was referring to the genre. The actual movie title was called “American Me”. By Edward James Olmos
I think I saw that one! What a sad ending!!!