15 Intimidating Personality Traits & 10 Signs You Intimidate People - Learning Mind


At last, I feel seen.



In my life experience, generally people do not like a strong personality. Even if they themselves have a strong personality, it leads to intimidation and dislike. In my work I have to keep up a persona that almost opposite myself. I would say the same for most social situations. Allowing someone to believe they have the upper hand is the best move you can make for yourself. Know you are better and more intelligent but keep quiet. Dumb people love to rule the roost and never question themselves, therefore, never learn.


I am laconic in real life. I say very little to the point where I unnerve people around me. I also don’t do small talk, I just say what is needed and am quiet again. I can present normally if I have to in front of customers, but it is tiring and I pay for it later.


Wise to be of few words in your life. The internet has presented us with the strange opportunity to show our true selves. I hide behind anonymity for a living. That gives me an perspective into the lives of people I know (and don’t know) that few manage. When you think you’ve seen it all, you are always wrong. This era has given every individual a platform and ability to seen/heard. Is it a good thing? I believe not. Is it entertaining? Depends on how dark your humor is.

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In healthcare a lot of people have a dark sense of humor. It’s a coping mechanism for dealing with a lot of suffering and death.

I think I can be pretty intimidating in real life. I try not to be though. I try to smile at other people and be friendly.


When i was in graduate school other people in my dorm thought i was a neo-Nazi simply because i shaved my head…which i really did (and still do) cuz i shower so infrequently that i didn’t want to deal with my hair appearing dirty!

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4. Zero tolerance for ignorance

Yesss. I feel I have trouble browsing facebook without getting triggered by some of the stuff people say. I just dont understand how people can be so hateful! I try not to engage, but sometimes I just have to say something.

10. Open-mindedness

I feel I am pretty open minded. After living as a sick person, I have to be gentle and understanding because I want people to give me a chance too.


3. Get used to (and get better at) small talk

Ive really excelled in this over the years. I can hold conversations really easily. I think because I admin a worldwide facebook group and have to be easy to talk to for people who 1.) dont speak english as a first language 2.) are much younger than me 3.) need guidance.
I love talking though. Im never hurting for topics.

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