One of my friends used to tell me to make a wish at 11:11 as it will come true lol
A guy at work keeps showing me that he often notices 11:11. He keeps indicating that makes him super special and I should be amazed. Yesterday, I think, he was offended that I wasn’t amazed. I guess some people just haven’t been exposed to spooky feelings that much.
(edit) I’m really not sure what to do. I’ve tried directing him to the word ‘apophenia,’ recommending a psychologist, and even texting him literature on the topic. I guess he just wants to keep emphasizing that he is special, but I don’t think that I can convince him that I’m impressed. (/edit)
I got arrested once,
When I got in the cop car I noticed it was 11:11.
Not lucky for me in this instance.
13:37 is the only interesting time.
who knows anyway
01-03-07 was my wedding day. (1337 in non military time is 1:37 pm)
it dates back 1000s of years
It used to bug me when I saw 11:11 on my clock. And I don’t think it dates back thousands of years. I think it dates back to the invention of digital clocks. 11:11 on a sundial or analog clock just isn’t special.
When I see 11:11 on my clock I laugh. It’s now two minutes away from 22:22 lol!
Its 12:55
11 13 21 23 33 555 666.
Yes it’s true. and mathematicians Usually believe in a God.
those the lucky numbers for the power ball!?!?
tell him to focus on red cars for a month. then he will see red cars a lot too
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