0 can not be number ?!

you can not define undefined property.its stupid.lack of property can not be shown as a property ? we are define infinity with undefined subject… its quite stupid…whatever…:unamused: you can not say yes there is 1 book 2 book and we are showing no book as a number !!!

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The number 0 (zero) is not a number. Zero is a null value. For example binary numbers consist of 1’s and 0’s in which of a majority of software code and hardware semiconductors are based on.

Yes, there are books of zero quantity in computer database systems.

0 = Quantity - World Atlas Book
1 = Quantity - Periodic Table Book

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0 quantity world atlas can not be property because you can not define lack of anything.because from this view lack of anything not equal to lack of one world atlas

I don’t understand what you mean by “property”. In the example I gave, zero is a quantifying numerical value as would be seen on a computer database which tracks the number of say, “World Atlas” books.

number is property which is can not be show lack of something

“Lack of something” equals “zero value” or “zero count”.

How about this

-1 = Quantity of World Atlas book
0 = Quantity of Periodic Tables book
+1 = Quantity of Physics Constants book

A number is a man-made thing to represent values, including nothing, which zero is assigned because it’s very useful in mathematics. Kinda like imaginary numbers.


yes -1 can be equal identical opposite value but lack of something totally different thing

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Negative values cannot jump from (-1) to (+1) without (0). Zero is a null value.

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ok whatever .thank you for your argumantation

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In python list start with 0


you can not indexing nothing!!?:persevere:

If I understand correctly in regards to most coding programs.

“list start”

is supposed to be a bullet point list of items unless you are trying “list start” using numbers.

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one book can be equal one car in terms of existence but lack of something of something can not be equal to lack of other thing.if you say so you are indexing nothing.kapish​:slightly_smiling_face:‍↔:nerd_face: in other terms you can not say one book is not exist because you are defining lack of something with existence.oh gosh :triumph:

0/0=0 I don’t know it’s not a number but similar


when you say 0 book you also say one book not exist which is quite irrational.c mon human cognition can do better :laughing::laughing::rofl:i believe humanity :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

0 is unusual beliefs…not my thoughts…:rage:🩷

To me, zero is a number


I been there, you need to express somehow what you mean by saying zero units of X

even if you consider that one apple not and one book not in total nothingness those can not share infinite apple and infinite book with infinite not apple and infinite not book in same space.ok now it make sense😆